
Best Paper Award at IEEE Sensors 2022

We were honored to receive the Best Paper Award at IEEE Sensors 2022 in Dallas, Texas. Congratulations everyone!

Special thanks to NIH SPARC for sponsoring this research and the IEEE Sensors Program Committe for the recognition.

We look forward to presenting new work at IEEE Sensors 2023 in Vienna, Austria.


Open PhD Positions

We currently have two open PhD positions in applications relating to implantable neuromodulation systems and intravascular ultrasonic imaging. Both positions would involve opportunities including medical ASIC design, microsystem integration, and sensor interfacing. Interested candidates should email Dr. Majerus.


Three upcoming publications at IEEE Sensors 2022

Congratulations to the authors of these papers – We look forward to presenting them in Dallas at the IEEE Sensors conference this year!

Stay tuned for the full articles on IEEExplore and PubMed Central.

“Multi-Modal, Implantable Colon Activity Sensor”

“A Catheter-Free Bladder Pressure-Volume Sensor”

“An RFID-Based Sensor for Vascular Flow Monitoring”

Lab News

Michael Sobota Receives First Prize at APTC SIP Symposium

Congratulations to Mike for an excellent presentation on his summer research project! APTC will support his travel to present his research at BMES 2022.